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St Andrew's Junior School  Hatfield Peverel

St Andrew's Junior School Hatfield Peverel

Values and Ethos

Our school vision is...

 ‘Every child is loved and known. Every child shines.’ based on the bible verse: Matthew 5:16 ‘Let your light shine’.

This is summed up in the strapline below which was chosen by children at the school and has formed our CARE values.

"Compassionate, Achievement, Respect, Enjoyment"

Our four Christian values of: Compassion, Achievement, Respect and Enjoyment are the foundation of our behaviour and relationships policy.

In short, at St Andrew’s we all SHINE through CARE!

Our broad and balanced curriculum is designed to ensure opportunities for all children to enjoy a practical, engaging, knowledge-rich and skills-focused curriculum. Developing a love for creativity, nature, problem-solving and the acceptance and celebration of everyone in the local and global area within our safe and respectful Christian community.

We are fully committed to supporting all children to achieve their very best (to SHINE) in all areas of the curriculum, and with their mental and physical health. Because all children are ‘loved and known’ it allows us to skilfully support children, whilst ensuring challenge and opportunities for all learners to really shine.

All members of the school community work very hard to create a friendly, stimulating and caring environment. We have a skilled and enthusiastic staff who demonstrate enormous dedication and commitment to provide the best possible education for each child. Everyone who works and learns at the school is proud of the school’s achievements and we are constantly striving to improve further.

Our Aims Are:

  • To provide a safe, friendly, supportive and inclusive environment for all children, staff and parents (the St Andrew’s Family).
  • To encourage all pupils to enjoy and achieve in their learning, reaching their full potential, through a stimulating and challenging curriculum, which meets the needs of all learners and celebrates their gifts, talents and successes.
  • To encourage pupils to explore spiritual and moral values (including Christian and British values) promoting trust, tolerance, respect and empathy with the feelings, views and beliefs of others.
  • To strengthen pupils’ self-confidence and self-esteem, encouraging them to become more independent and self-disciplined, understanding that they are responsible for their own behaviour and conduct.
  • To work in partnership with parents and carers through effective communication; informing them of the progress of their child, providing appropriate advice and support and inviting them to meetings, events and activities.
  • To promote an awareness of a healthy lifestyle and encourage everyone to achieve a sense of well-being, good mental health, recognising their responsibilities as citizens and nurturing a desire for lifelong learning.
  •  To develop the role of the school in the community and raise awareness of issues which affect the local, national and global environment, promoting a sense of understanding and responsibility

Message from Mrs Black, the Headteacher:

"I love leading St Andrew’s Junior School. All of the staff work incredibly hard to develop positive relationships with the children, families, governors and wider members of our community. We all have a genuine desire to ensure St Andrew’s creates the very best opportunities and experiences for everyone involved; the sense of a school ‘family’ is a huge strength and one that I am truly thankful for.

At St Andrew’s, we work together to create opportunities and experiences where everyone will ‘Shine’ during their time whilst with us and also in their future. I am genuinely looking forward to working together as you and your child becomes part of our St Andrew’s Family."