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St Andrew's Junior School  Hatfield Peverel

St Andrew's Junior School Hatfield Peverel

Year 5 Spelling Bee

Four pupils from Year 5 represented the school at a spelling bee event at Great Baddow High School!

On Thursday 9th May 2024, four children from Year 5 went to Great Baddow High School for a Spell Casters’ competition. Eden, Isabelle, Minaya and Rosie competed in seven different rounds where they were given words which ranged from 6 - 11 letters long and had to spell them. Some rounds were themed and were based on sports and books. Another round had the word written in an anagram and the children had to unscramble the word. Minaya was chosen by her team mates to compete in the quickfire round. She had to spell as many words as possible in one minute! Over the past few weeks, the children have given up some of their lunchtimes and have been practising at home. This extra bit of effort thoroughly paid off as they came 2nd overall! This was an amazing achievement and we are very proud of them. They certainly showed the St. Andrew’s CARE values on this day.