RE across the school
As a Church school, RE is one of our core subjects. Despite not being a National Curriculum subject, it is a compulsory one for pupils. Here at St Andrew’s, we use our RE lessons (as well as other opportunities), to help our pupils develop their knowledge and understanding of a range of religions represented in Great Britain.
Through learning about religion, pupils develop:
•respect •the skill of reflection •curiosity
•spirituality •a sense of self worth
They gain a greater understanding and respect for the beliefs and practices of different religions and understand how beliefs, values and traditions influence individuals, communities, and culture. They are then able to make informed responses to religious and moral issues, consider the fundamental questions of life as well as develop and deepen their own belief, values and sense of self worth.
As a Church of England school, the emphasis in RE is learning about Christianity and two other religions in depth (we are currently studying Islam and Judaism), while ‘encountering’ other religions (as well as ‘world views’ that are non-religious) in lessons. Teachers plan RE based on the local syllabus, using a range of teaching methods, which include role-play, discussing religious stories, making 3D models and exploring religious art, to ensure pupils get the most out of RE lessons. The new Essex Agreed Syllabus (which becomes statutory in September) says that: “It prepares them both for life within the large and diverse County of Essex, but also in the wider world, where they will encounter a huge range of ideas and beliefs.”
Here are some photos of RE across the school: